Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Just For Fun bc I'm ready for Christmas!!!

Tis the Season to have a little fun!

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Wrapping paper

2. Real tree or artificial? I love the smell of real trees, but having an artificial tree is really easy and thats what we have now

3. When do you put up the tree? As soon as my hubby lets me. I would leave it up all year around if he would let me>

4. When do you take your tree down? When ever Jonathan makes me see question #3

5. Do you like eggnog? Negative

6. Favorite gift received as a child? My cabbage patch- Sammy Jo

7. Do you have a nativity scene? Yes its by Fisher Price we have the whole set wisemen, stable, barnyard and all

8. Hardest person to buy for? Parents

9. Easiest person to buy for? Braxton we get him whatever we want to!! :0)

10. Worst Christmas gift you ever got? Socks, air freshener and clothes that wouldnt even fit me oh yeah and a candle warmer without a candle

11. Mail or email Christmas cards? MAIL

12. Favorite Christmas Movie? Shrek the Halls

13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? The day after Christmas for next year!

14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Yep

15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? all the christmas candy we make

16. Clear lights or colored on the tree? Clear.

17. Favorite Christmas song? Please come home for Chirstmas or anything by Aaron Nevil

18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? Staying home

19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? Yep!

20. Angel on the tree top or a star? We have a bow

21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? Eve, morning and day

22. Most annoying thing about this time of year? The people that beat me to the sales the day after Thanksgiving!!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

New pic's

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Braxton's 2nd Birthday

The birthday has come and gone! Braxton had a BLAST!! The firetruck even came and made an appearance at his party. He wasn't to crazy about it at first but once Daddy got him on it he was all smiles after that. He is still talking about it every night. He says "I climb up, I sit on top, they go round and round (the lights that is) and Bye Bye (they left). The way he talks it sounds like the firetruck only stayed for a few min. but it was there for forever. The vol. fire dept. brought out the truck to the party for us. They were the sweetest two men and one of them even put on all his gear and took pictures with the kids. Bless his heart I know he was burning up but he kept insiting that he was fine. The other guy opened all the doors and compartments and explained to us all the equipment and what all it was used for and did. He even let the kids climb on top of the truck and they thought that was the coolest. Well some of them did, some of them didnt want any part of it. The city fire dept. gave us fire man hats, fire safety suckers and coloring books! THEY WERE AWESOME! He got so much stuff and money and he had a blast. I think I was just as tired as he was after the party but it was all worth it!

Friday, May 1, 2009


Braxton's 2nd bday party is tonight and I can't wait. I think he is going to have a blast or I atleast hope so anyway! Here is his cake i finished last night at 1:00. The icing was giving me fits and wasn't cooperating and I was rushed and didn't plan very well but oh well too late now. Hopefully it will taste better than it looks! :)

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Party Planning

So 1 day to go until Braxton's second birthday party and I am about partied out! Not really its just alot of work but I don't mind it!! :) Here are the beginning of the cookies that will be the favors!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Party Planning

Well its that time of the year again. Man times flies when kids are growing up... But anyway we are in the middle of planning Braxton's SECOND party or should I say at the end of planning. Anyway we are doing a firetruck theme this year and I finally finished his invites today!! YEAH!! A little late considering the party is next weekend but hey I've been busy what can i say. Soooo here they are!

Two post in two days look at me go!! WOO HOO!! Later Taters!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Just One of Those Days!

So where do I start we have been busy busy and I haven't been posting so let's see.
1) My friend Tess is Pregnant!! WOO HOOO they have been trying for some time and just decided to give up and let God take control and do his will and low and behold she is finally knocked up!! HEHE!!
2) My friend Mollie has left me. :( No I am not happy about it at all, although she seemed to think so or at least that what she was telling everyone. Its lonely back here in my cubbie at work now. He cubbie is now naked, all but her MSU flag which she left I think, just so Kelly would smirk, and shake her head every time she comes back here to my lonely hole and looks over at Mollie's empty desk. I miss the cat stories, the Yo Mamma jokes, the funny gossip, the crazy relationship stories, her unbelievable road trip stories, the mullet pictures, her ghetto purse pictures, the flight cancellation stories, her funny rental cars, her just calling because she is riding, board and alone, her asking me how to do something on the computer, her asking me to look for someone a coupon code, telling her about cool new sights, making her cry over the blogs I read, her sneezing 500 times in 4 seconds and the list goes on and on. It just sucks but in time I guess it will get better, but this place will never be the same..
3) We finally joined the church that we have been going to for several months now. Its awesome and God is really working there. Its just awesome! We are also having Braxton dedicated on Mother's Day and I am helping with Bible School! Its just great! Here is a picture of the women in our church family that went to see Beth Moore, We had a BLAST!!
4) We have had the spring cleaning bug at our house, I don't know what has come over me but I have just been a cleaning fool. I started with our room, which I cleaned so much our room now echo's, scary huh? I went from there to the bathroom and my next one to tackle is Braxton's room. Although I threw a little kink in it this weekend when I started outside and we ended up pulling up the front bushes. Our house now looks naked but bigger.
5) We are getting ready for Braxtons 2nd Birthday. I know its sooo sad to think he is fixing to be 2 but the past 2 years have been AWESOME!! I dont know what we ever did with out him.
Thats about all I can think of right this minute maybe I will post again tomorrow!! HEHE!! Later Taters!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Been a while!

So its been a while since I updated. I have been busy painting and getting ready for the tomato fest. in June who I am setting up a booth with a couple of my friends and hopefully makeing a few extra dollars. We are getting close to Braxton's 2nd birthday so I am working on that as well! We are doing a firetruck theme this year and we are having it at the lake. Softball has started YIPPIE!! I am so excited! I love softball season and now that Braxton is older this year and can play and come most of the time when I call him I enjoy it even more. We finally found a church we LOVE and are going to join just haven't gotten around to it yet we were waiting on them to finalize a preacher and they did! :( Everyone there is wonderful and the new preacher is AWESOME!!! If you are looking for a church we would love for you to come! Its small and it doesnt matter what you wear, who your mama and daddy are or what you do for a job, we are very laid back and have a BLAST!! If you haven't checked out my new blog hop on over there and check it out I have some new stuff up and ready to sell so let me know if there is something you need for a birthday present, wedding, baby or ann. gift or just a happy!! Later taters! And a pic to show you how much Braxton has grown since i posted last!

Monday, January 5, 2009

New Year!!!

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I didn't make any resolutions but I AM going to try to do better about posting on here!!