Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Just One of Those Days!

So where do I start we have been busy busy and I haven't been posting so let's see.
1) My friend Tess is Pregnant!! WOO HOOO they have been trying for some time and just decided to give up and let God take control and do his will and low and behold she is finally knocked up!! HEHE!!
2) My friend Mollie has left me. :( No I am not happy about it at all, although she seemed to think so or at least that what she was telling everyone. Its lonely back here in my cubbie at work now. He cubbie is now naked, all but her MSU flag which she left I think, just so Kelly would smirk, and shake her head every time she comes back here to my lonely hole and looks over at Mollie's empty desk. I miss the cat stories, the Yo Mamma jokes, the funny gossip, the crazy relationship stories, her unbelievable road trip stories, the mullet pictures, her ghetto purse pictures, the flight cancellation stories, her funny rental cars, her just calling because she is riding, board and alone, her asking me how to do something on the computer, her asking me to look for someone a coupon code, telling her about cool new sights, making her cry over the blogs I read, her sneezing 500 times in 4 seconds and the list goes on and on. It just sucks but in time I guess it will get better, but this place will never be the same..
3) We finally joined the church that we have been going to for several months now. Its awesome and God is really working there. Its just awesome! We are also having Braxton dedicated on Mother's Day and I am helping with Bible School! Its just great! Here is a picture of the women in our church family that went to see Beth Moore, We had a BLAST!!
4) We have had the spring cleaning bug at our house, I don't know what has come over me but I have just been a cleaning fool. I started with our room, which I cleaned so much our room now echo's, scary huh? I went from there to the bathroom and my next one to tackle is Braxton's room. Although I threw a little kink in it this weekend when I started outside and we ended up pulling up the front bushes. Our house now looks naked but bigger.
5) We are getting ready for Braxtons 2nd Birthday. I know its sooo sad to think he is fixing to be 2 but the past 2 years have been AWESOME!! I dont know what we ever did with out him.
Thats about all I can think of right this minute maybe I will post again tomorrow!! HEHE!! Later Taters!