Friday, April 18, 2008

Friday Frenzy!!

Well its raining here, AGAIN!! It seems like the pattern for Friday now. Anyway besides the rain, Jonathan and I are going out tonight!! WOO HOO!! We are going to River Fest with another couple for her birthday!!! Yeah some adult time with adult conversations with adult beverages!! On a different note, Braxton's birthday is 2 weeks away!! Yeah I know its hard to believe he is already ONE!! My how time flies and I won't talk about it anymore because it makes me sad!! But I will however attach the invite I made for his party just because its so darn cute!! Hope everyone has a great weekend and see ya Monday!! YUCK!! Later Taters!!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Its Monday Again?? UGH!!

Sooo its Monday, AGAIN!! I swear they come to often and Fridays do not come often enough!! SOOOooo over the weekend we finished MY VERY OWN SCRAPBOOKING ROOM!! WOO HOO!!! I am so freaking excited I could just yell!! We finally got everything put together and put up and then I stocked it!! I never realized how much stuff I have!! Its crazy!! Although I do not have near about the amount of other peoples i have seen on line but hey I have plenty for me.. Jonathan hasn't put up my shelves yet but what I have at the time will do.. At least I have my own space to call "MINE".. I still have to hook up my computer and my Cricut and then we really will be set!! Sooo here are the pictures...

Monday, April 7, 2008

New Day a New Look

We have new look!! Well Braxton does.. We have now gotten his first hair cut. I must say he looks sooo cute! He looks like a differnt child he looks so grown. He did so good though, he just sat in my lap and let her wack away and even let her use the trimmers. I was so proud! Other than that we had a great weekend that when by supper fast. We visted our first church (FBC of Terry) in our quest to find a church home and I must say it was wondeful!! We really enjoyed the service and it will def. be hard to find one that tops his sermon. So i am sure we will be back. Later Taters...

Friday, April 4, 2008

Stormy Friday

Well its stormy and windy today, what a great way to celebrate a Friday! I wanted to go to ASF tonight to crop but I guess I will just stay at home :( .. There is always next time.. I do have good news though, hubby finally agreed to let me use our mud room as MY VERY OWN SCRAPBOOKING ROOM!!! WOO HOO!!! Soooo I got in there and vacuumed it out, cleaned the sink and took everything out of there that does not pertain to scrapbooking (which was everything minus the freezer, couldn't move it or it would be gone too HAHA!!) Soo I need to take before and after photos and post them. I bought some basemolding from where I work on Wednesday and put it down Wed. night!! I must say it looks very good!! We just installed a job here at work with cabinets that had black countertops and laminate and they messed up a few pieces and had them in the dumpster so leave it to the dumpster diving queen as my husband calls me to dig them out!! So now I have my countertop!! WOO HOO!! They are line bored on one side but i am going to put that side down so no one will ever know except me and now you! I also found another small piece that i will cut up for shelves. I went to the new Wal Mart and they already have a clearance isle and I found 2 pieces of black peg board for 4.00 a piece so I picked those up as well!! Now just to get Jonathan to cut the countertop to the right size for me and install them if he does not find time this weekend I will also have another title under my belt - CARPENTER! Now all I need to find is some cheap storage and a stool for my room (hitting the garage sales tomorrow morning) and maybe a rug. I am thinking about getting my cousin to come over and paint some sayings on the wall because i can not stand my writing or painting for that matter.. So I will take pictures this weekend and hopefully post on Monday!! Other than that our weekend consist of maybe going to the zoo, depends on the weather and running by Hobby Lobby to find a fram for my 16X20 picture I had printed of Braxton (the one in my title up top thats on the right) to go over the manel, we are also suppose to go to the dirt track races if they do not get rained out Sat. night. Hope everyone has a great and safe weekend!! Late Taters!!

Thursday, April 3, 2008


ITS PAYDAY!! WOO HOO!!! Ok so Pay Day also means pay bills day which is the sucky part of it but it also means I can buy my self a happy!! I have been shopping around all morning and have several shopping carts full on different sites.. WHOOPS!! Oh well I will eventually narrow it down and figure out what i HAVE to order and what can wait!! SO maybe you can help. My carts consist of

1. Frugalities - Chipboard Alphss, and a few stamps(Haven't placed my order bc i have a coupon code for 49% off and have to find it first)

2. Treasures to scrap- Chipboard Alphas, Chipboard Alphas and Chipboard Alphas (Thanks Nancy for posting about this little place its awesome!! Dont even know if Nancy reads my blog HA!!!)

3. - She has several cute little stamps I want but waiting for her to add the new ones before I order.

4. (PAPER POPSICLES) - A black board book, journaling book and boy kit

Ok so now HELP!!! Which do I need more!! Or do I need it ALL???

On another note we have plans tonight! UGH!! Have to go eat for the MIL's Bday!! JOY JOY!! Have I mentioned she drives me NUTS??? Anyway I guess I will just grin and bear it because I love my hubby!! SO hoping to get in and get out and have that over with. Might try to scrap alittle when we get home. Depends on how Braxton feels. We are cutting another tooth so now to happy right now!! Ok will be back tomorrow hopefully!! Later Taters!!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Wednesday Already??

Man this week is flying by!! I guess it seems like it since I have been so busy and I was off 1/2 a day yesterday. My granny had to go to a funeral so I had to go pick up Braxton at lunch and we spent the afternoon at Wal Mart and playing in a mud hole!!

He had so much fun though!! We ate at Grannys last night and got home late. Today me and a couple of the girls have decided at work that we are going to scrapbook at lunch and today was the first day!! It was great getting to scrap at work. Now if I could only find a job that I could scrap as my job!! That would be the ultimate job!! So if anyone knows of one avaliable please let me know!! :) Not much going on besides that, we might go to the zoo Sat. depending on the weather so we will see then. If not I guess its off to Hobby Lobby to pick up a picture frame and I'm sure I will find something else in there!! Later Taters!!