Thursday, June 5, 2008


So.. Jonathan and I have know since we started dating that we only wanted one child and have never thought different. We had discussed me just having the surgery when I had Braxton but my doctor wouldn't do it. So as of today, Jonathan, being the VERY BRAVE and wonderful father and husband he is commited the ultimate sacrifice and got "fixed". So far so good he is not in any pain and they told him to lay on the couch today and then he could resume regular activity tomorrow. He is such a wondeful HUBBY!! Now I know many of you are probably thinking we have lost our minds and we are too young to do something like this but we have thought long and hard and weighted all of our options and we are very happy with our decision. We are just going to have 1 little spoiled brat that has all of our love!! So if you could keep Jonathan in your prayers that would be wonderful!! Also Braxton is fighting a virus and MAYBE salmonella, we won't know for sure until Friday if it is or not. Bless his heart since Sunday he has had bad tummy problems and high fever and really horrible tummy cramps.. He is just so sad to watch because she is telling us there is nothing we can do except let it run its course.. It will break your heart i tell you.. I will update when we hear more back from his dr. Until then I will leave you with a picture of my two poor sick men.. Later Taters


Kaye said...

I hope Jonathan and Braxton are both doing well! And I don't think y'all have lost your minds -- I say good for you for knowing what you want.