Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Well its Tuesday the day after WW weigh in. I am down another 1/2 lb. not great but better than gaining! I will take any loss. But this week I am going to stick to it.. NO cheating not even a piece of gum without counting it, not even licking the spoon without counting it!! I will look and feel better about my self bf we go on vacation which is coming up fast than I thought it would!! I feel like I am getting something. NOT GOOD! My throat starting hurting yesterday but hey with 30 degree temp on day and 78 the next what do you expect. Just as long as I do not pass it on in my house I will be OK!! Now to do some work and try to file our taxes so I can pay for our vacation and hubby needs some new tires :( Its always something!!

Also some GREAT news I just read on my new friends blog (she is on a weight loss journey as well) she has put on a pair of jean today for the first time since Thanksgiving!! What an insperation and a motivator!! She keeps me going and motivated daily!! ~Thanks~

Later taters!!


Robin said...

Way to go Stephanie! 1/2 pound down is better than 1/2 pound up! That is awesome. You are too sweet but I'm glad that my journey can be an inspiration to somebody else to...sometimes its hard to be totally honest with myself and the world, but I have definitely found the blog to be therapeutic. Thanks for reading!

Penny said...

congrats on the loss!!!! every little bit adds up!

Wanda said...

YAY - I am impressed with your five pound loss! I, of course, am not losing a thing. I don't really try. Sigh.

I have TAGGED you! Go see on my blog!