Monday, January 28, 2008

Is it Monday again??

Yes I guess it is, but it is almost over. I have WW tonight, didnt get to go last week Braxton was sick and had to run and get him something for it. Sooo I am sure tonight will be really ugly!! I have kinda fell off the band wagon so I HAVE to get back on. We have set our date for our vacation and it is fastly approching. We are going to Florida(ugh) in May (did I mention I HATE Florida) anyway, Jonathan loves it and I want to try to get some good shots of Braxton on the beach and some new family pics so I guess I will just tuck in my bottom lip and go along. I just hate sand, being in a bathing suit in public, being in the sun for no apparant reason, sweating and just being icky but I guess after I get down there and shop it will make it all better!! :)